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Infant Hearing Matters

This little guy has some Yanni concerts to attend… so he rocks his BabyBanz of course!

To quote his mom Yehudith Gellis-Sandorfy,

“These Baby Buds are a necessity for weddings, concerts and wherever there is loud music and noise pollution. We do our best to take care of our babies and then unfortunately we forget when we are at the wedding, concert etc. that our babies ears are not protected. We picked up our set from Dr. Hadassah Kupfer in Flatbush. FYI, she sells for much less than online…Save your baby’s hearing! You also get lots of high fives from people who think you are an awesome parent for doing this.”

Great going, Mom! For your convenience, we carry BabyBanz in a variety of sizes and colors, so that your baby can enjoy loud events in safety, comfort and style. Call us anytime at 917-791-1510 for more information or to order.